Appointment Policy
We understand you are busy and we strive to accommodate our patients to the best of our ability. We strive to offer each patient the optimal experience, which includes scheduling appointments around times that are best-suited for the patient’s age. Based on our experience, we highly recommend that children with extensive dental needs, or children under the age of four be seen in the mornings when they are fresh and alert. This will help give them a better experience.
Your scheduled appointment has been reserved for your child. Please let us know at least 24 hours in advance should you need to cancel or reschedule. We understand that unforeseen situations and personal emergencies do occur; however, repeated last minute cancellations and broken appointments will incur a charge of $50 for check up appointments or $100 for treatment appointments and we reserve the right not to schedule any subsequent appointments. The scheduled appointment time is reserved for your child and we try our best not to keep you waiting. In order to make this possible, any patients arriving late for their appointment may be asked to reschedule

Insurance Policy
We work with many insurance carriers and will gladly assist you in understanding and maximizing your benefits. Please keep us informed of any updated insurance changes before each visit, such as policy name, insurance company address, or a change of employment. As an added convenience, we are happy to file and track claims electronically for you.
We will make every effort to accurately estimate your co-payment based on the information given to us from your insurance company. We will review your child’s treatment plan, benefits, deductibles and estimated co-payments with you prior to any treatment. Keep in mind – the coverage quotes we receive from the insurance company are estimates only and not a guarantee of payment.
On the day services are rendered, you will be asked to pay the portion that your insurance will not cover such as deductibles, co-payments and/or balances.
We know insurance can be very confusing. If you should have any questions regarding insurance, please ask us. We are happy to help!
Financial Policy
We accept Cash, Checks, Visa, Mastercard, Discover and Amex.